
Is It Bad Luck to See the Bride Before the Wedding Day

date: 2013-12-18

HollywoodReporter Slim Wedding Dresses.comOkay, so we aren’t exactly talking about just any bride when we talk about this wedding superstition. We’re referencing The Bachelor, which premiered last night as Sean Lowe met the 26 women he would pick from to be his eventual fiance (that is, if all goes as planned, which it never does) clarisse 1623. If you watched, one of the contestants showed up in a white wedding dress to make a memorable first impression. She even approached him saying “You may now kiss the bride” and locked lips with the shocked Bachelor! Traditionally, the final reveal of the bride in her wedding dress comes later beach wedding dresses. WAY later. Does this mean contestant Lindsay’s bold move may hurt her chances at getting the final rose That’s up to whether you believe in the superstition or not. Sean was clearly thrown aback though, and when he told viewers “God had another plan for me” after he was cut from a previous Bachelorette season, we don’t think his “plan” was to get a bride the first day of his reality show romance. We can’t wait to see how this dramatic series plays out! Fingers crossed Sean does find his bride. And believe it or not, Lindsay is still in the running! > Superstitions from Around the World > The Rings from ‘The Bachelor’ & ‘Bachelorette’

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